Author: luxaeterna
(7 ranking factors)
Factors |
geo_hotels: 10
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' Median prices per night over the past 4 weeks
geo_hotels: 11
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' Hits for FB partner
geo_hotels: 12
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' Visits for FB partner
geo_hotels: 13
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' The average user stay on the FB partner page
geo_hotels: 16
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' The number of interactive searches of the hotel, like 1orga, from the hotel sorcerer in the last 4 weeks (Hotels-3784)
geo_hotels: 17
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' The number of interactive searches of the hotel, as similar, over the past 4 weeks (Hotels-3784)
geo_hotels: 18
luxaeterna is an author & a 'responsible' The number of interactive searches of the hotel from a carousel from a sickle or cards over the past 4 weeks (Hotels-3784)