Group: RegDocStatic
(75 ranking factors)
Factors |
web_production: 559
Weight: -0.020628033510418 The degree of variety of requests for which this Urla click is read by regions
web_production: 560
Weight: 0.025328925792111 nd/i
web_production: 590
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 591
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 180 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 659
Regional attendance of Urla according to the I-Bara
web_production: 717
The average position of Urla for all requests
web_production: 719
Number of requests for URL
web_production: 730
web_production: 731
The factor is used in Selectionrank. TG_UNUSED: should not be included in the formulas to avoid feedback
web_production: 758
Static trigrams intercection of url and queries by which users visited the url.
web_production: 765
The number of chains on request / (the number of chains in which URL + the number of chains on request participated).
web_production: 766
The number of chains in which Url was the last normalized for the total number of chains in which this URL was.
web_production: 767
Number of transitions to URL from Wikipedia
web_production: 769
The page indicator is like a hub (how many pages are the bar users pass from it).
web_production: 849
The attitude of Dwell Time on the page in this region to Dwell Time on a page in all regions
web_production: 1333
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Ordinary CTR. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1334
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1335
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The probability that the URL click will be more than 120 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1336
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The average position of the URL for all requests. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1337
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Logarithm of the number of shows. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1384
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The formula for calculating the factor we look at Wiki. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1385
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The number of leaves in URLA support. In this case, the leaves are a page from which there were no transitions. Localization to the level of countries.
web_production: 1386
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The average time spent on the page and in all descendants of the page (URLS to which they switched) from the host. Cut if the total DT is more than 10 minutes. Localization to the level of countries.
images_production: 119
images_production: 121
images_production: 122
images_recommendations: 59
images_recommendations: 60
images_recommendations: 61
web_itditp: 194
The degree of variety of requests for which this Urla click is read by regions
web_itditp: 195
The degree of variety of requests for which this Urla click is read by regions
web_itditp: 196
web_itditp: 197
web_itditp: 198
Regional attendance of Urla according to the I-Bara
web_itditp: 199
Regional attendance of Urla according to the I-Bara
web_itditp: 200
web_itditp: 201
web_itditp: 202
The factor is used in Selectionrank. TG_UNUSED: should not be included in the formulas to avoid feedback
web_itditp: 203
The factor is used in Selectionrank. TG_UNUSED: should not be included in the formulas to avoid feedback
web_itditp: 204
Static trigrams intercection of url and queries by which users visited the url.
web_itditp: 205
Static trigrams intercection of url and queries by which users visited the url.
web_itditp: 206
The number of chains on request / (the number of chains in which URL + the number of chains on request participated).
web_itditp: 207
The number of chains on request / (the number of chains in which URL + the number of chains on request participated).
web_itditp: 208
The number of chains in which Url was the last normalized for the total number of chains in which this URL was.
web_itditp: 209
The number of chains in which Url was the last normalized for the total number of chains in which this URL was.
web_itditp: 210
Number of transitions to URL from Wikipedia
web_itditp: 211
Number of transitions to URL from Wikipedia
web_itditp: 212
The page indicator is like a hub (how many pages are the bar users pass from it).
web_itditp: 213
The page indicator is like a hub (how many pages are the bar users pass from it).
web_itditp: 214
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Ordinary CTR. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 215
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Ordinary CTR. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 216
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 217
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 218
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The probability that the URL click will be more than 120 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 219
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The probability that the URL click will be more than 120 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 220
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The average position of the URL for all requests. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 221
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. The average position of the URL for all requests. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 222
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Logarithm of the number of shows. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 223
Static URL factor in search sessions in 1600 days. Logarithm of the number of shows. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 224
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 225
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 3600 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 226
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 180 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 227
Static URL factor for search sessions for 1600 days calculated on mobile sessions. Average dwelltime, and DwellTime is cut from the session if more than 180 seconds. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 228
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The formula for calculating the factor we look at Wiki. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 229
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The formula for calculating the factor we look at Wiki. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 230
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The number of leaves in URLA support. In this case, the leaves are a page from which there were no transitions. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 231
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The number of leaves in URLA support. In this case, the leaves are a page from which there were no transitions. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 232
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The average time spent on the page and in all descendants of the page (URLS to which they switched) from the host. Cut if the total DT is more than 10 minutes. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 233
Static URL factor in browser logs for the maximum period. The average time spent on the page and in all descendants of the page (URLS to which they switched) from the host. Cut if the total DT is more than 10 minutes. Localization to the level of countries.
web_itditp: 234
The average position of Urla for all requests
web_itditp: 235
The average position of Urla for all requests
web_itditp: 236
Number of requests for URL
web_itditp: 237
Number of requests for URL
web_itditp: 238
The attitude of Dwell Time on the page in this region to Dwell Time on a page in all regions
web_itditp: 239
The attitude of Dwell Time on the page in this region to Dwell Time on a page in all regions