(58 ranking factors)
Factors |
web_production: 1420
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The greatest balanced value of the factor. A mixture of many streams, weight is calculated by a fixed Polita component from the scales on this annotation. The algorithm for aggregation of words weights is BCLMMIXPLAIN: a linear mixture of annotation BCLM weights and balanced Positionless weights of the word, then the former meters are aggregated through BM15. Normalization coefficient 10^(-5).
web_production: 1421
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The greatest balanced value of the factor. It is normalized for the maximum weight of expansion. Stream: Correctedctrlongperiod. The degree of coating of words query accurate to form (without synonyms).
web_production: 1423
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The greatest balanced value of the factor. It is normalized for the maximum weight of expansion. Stream: Correctedctrlongperiod. The BCLMPLANEPROXIMITY15W0SIZE1 algorithm: uses BCLM with free weight if there are several words of the request, if the word is one, then the sum of hits is used like a coincidence. Normalization coefficient 0.001.
web_production: 1424
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The average weight of extensions.
web_production: 1573
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BCLMWEIGHTEDFLOGW0 in the Stream group 3. The maximum balanced value of the factor.
web_production: 1574
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG in the group of streams 2. The maximum balanced value of the factor.
web_production: 1575
web_production: 1576
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: MixmatchweightedValue by Stream Querydwelltime. The maximum balanced value of the factor is normalized for the total weight.
web_production: 1577
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15 according to Stream Title. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) normalized for total weight.
web_production: 1578
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BCLMWEIGHTEDFLOGW0 in the Stream group 3. The minimum value of the factor for the expansion top.
web_production: 1579
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BCLMWEIGHTEDFLOGW0 in the Stream group 3. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) normalized for the total weight.
web_production: 1580
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG in the Stream group 1. The maximum balanced value of the factor.
web_production: 1581
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG in the Stream group 1. The total balanced value of the factor is normalized for the total weight.
web_production: 1582
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: Bag AnnotationMatChavgvalue by Stream LongClicksp.
web_production: 1583
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG for the Stream group 1. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) for expansion top extensions, standardized for the total weight of the expansion top.
web_production: 1584
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG in the Stream group 1. The minimum balanced value of the factor for the expansion top extensions normalized for the maximum weight by the expansion top.
web_production: 1585
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: PairminProximity according to Stream Body. The maximum balanced value of the factor is normalized for the total weight.
web_production: 1586
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: BM15FLOG for the Stream group 1. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) normalized for total weight.
web_production: 1587
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: SIMPLECLIC SIMPLECLICS bag.
web_production: 1588
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFDTSHOWKNN. Factor: CosinemaxMatch bag according to Title Stream.
web_production: 1615
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. Factor: Norm256 by stream BOCM11. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}).
web_production: 1616
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. Factor: Minwindowsize by Stream Body. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) by the expansion top, normalized for the total weight according to the expansion top.
web_production: 1617
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. Factor: Minwindowsize by Stream Body. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) normalized for total weight.
web_production: 1618
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. Factor: Norm256 by stream BOCM11. The total balanced values of the factor multiplied by weight (\ frac {\ sum w_i * (w_i * f_i)} {\ sum w_i}) according to the expansion top.
web_production: 1619
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. The minimum expansion weight.
web_production: 1620
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. The arithmetic mean of expansion weights.
web_production: 1621
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. The total weight of the extensions.
web_production: 1622
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: Querytotextbyxfdtshowknn. Factor: ORIGINALREQUENTFRACTFRACTION OF THE FIELDSETBAGOFWORDS Stream.
web_production: 1864
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFONESEKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The greatest balanced value of the factor. It is normalized for the maximum weight of expansion. Into aircraft association of the URLs, Title, Body, Links, Correctedctr, LongClick, OneClick, Browserpagerank, Splitdwelltime, SampleperiodDayFrc, SimpleClick, Yabarvisits, Yabartime. The algorithm for aggregation of the scales of words: BM15FLOG (BM15 Aggregation of Logarithm of Construction of Words). Normalization coefficient 0.001.
web_production: 1865
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: XFONESEKNN (closest to the DSSM models trained to predict XFDTSHOW of extension). Aggregation on all extensions. The greatest balanced value of the factor. It is normalized for the maximum weight of expansion. Todo Algorithm: The maximum weight of the completely coincided with the request of the annotation. It is considered according to Stream OneClick.
web_production: 1866
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: QuerytotextByxfoneKnn (Querytotext extensions of Xfoneeseknn extensions). Aggregation by TOP-10 (by the value of the factor) extensions. A suspended sum of the Libra of factors. Normalized for the total weight of extensions. It is considered according to the contents of the document. The minimum window size, which includes all the words of the request. It is normalized for the number of words in the request.
web_production: 1867
Linguistic boosting factor. Type of extensions: QuerytotextByxfoneKnn (Querytotext extensions of Xfoneeseknn extensions). Aggregation on all extensions. A suspended sum of the Libra of factors. Normalized for the total weight of extensions. Rebelled association of streams Title, Body, LongClick, LongClicksp, OneClick. The algorithm for aggregation of the scales of words: BCLMWEIGHTEDFLOGW0. Normalization coefficient 0.001.
web_l1: 31
The measure of 'commercial' request. It is a comprehensively calculated Matrixnet factor formula for the procurement vocabulary in direct + for user queries + add. Intensive dictionaries. Requests with intensity to buy a factor seeks to -> 1 commodity requests -> 0.6 with intensity cannot buy, reviews, etc. -> 0 ((http://wiki.yandex-team.ru/Faktorydljanovogokatorazaprosov Factors of the Classifier))) (HTTP : //wiki.yandex-team.ru/jandekspoisk/antispam/antiseo/klassifikATORCHESSKIXZAPROSOV STUNITURE OF HIM))
web_l1: 32
Rank 'navigation'
web_meta: 331
Meta:ResidMax metafactor on web_production:XfDtShowKnnTopSumW2FSumWFieldSet1Bm15FLogK0001(1583)
web_new_l1: 20
The measure of 'commercial' request. It is a comprehensively calculated Matrixnet factor formula for the procurement vocabulary in direct + for user queries + add. Intensive dictionaries. Requests with intensity to buy a factor seeks to -> 1 commodity requests -> 0.6 with intensity cannot buy, reviews, etc. -> 0 ((http://wiki.yandex-team.ru/Faktorydljanovogokatorazaprosov Factors of the Classifier))) (HTTP : //wiki.yandex-team.ru/jandekspoisk/antispam/antiseo/klassifikATORCHESSKIXZAPROSOV STUNITURE OF HIM))
web_new_l1: 21
Rank 'navigation'
web_new_l1: 98
The average value is DifferentinTernallinks for the year. It is calculated in offline.
web_new_l1: 102
The average value is BM25_0 on request per year. It is calculated in offline.
web_new_l1: 108
Auxtitlebm25 average value for the year. It is calculated in offline.
web_new_l1: 109
The average value of QuryurlCorrectedctrxFactor for the year. It is calculated in offline.
web_new_l1: 110
The average value is QueryTodocallsumfcountTextbM11Norm16384 for the year. It is calculated in offline.
web_new_l1: 135
The average DifferentinTernallinks for the year for the year.
web_new_l1: 143
The average AuxtitlebM25 average value for the year for the year.
web_new_l1: 145
The average value of QueryTodoCallsumfcountTextbM11Norm16384 for the year for the year.
web_new_l1: 149
DiffferentinTernallinks, which is predicted using a neural network, is a weighted net with clicks for a year.
web_new_l1: 165
For each word offline, the average value of MaxsdisnavmxqueryMax is calculated at the request for 3 months. Further, for all non -feet, the words of the request are taken as a maximum of this value.
web_new_l1: 167
The average value of Randomlogqueryavgaddtime of the closest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 168
The average value of RandomlogqueryavgtXthirelsy nearest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 169
The average value of Randomlogqueryavgtextlike nearest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 170
The average value of Randomlogqueryavgisforum of the closest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 171
The average value of Randomlogqueryavghaspayments closest to KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 172
The average value of Randomlogqueryavgdiferentinternallinks of the nearest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 173
The average value of RandomlogqueryavgistargetbussinessCard of the nearest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 174
The average value is RandomlogqueryavgquerytododoCallsumfcountTextbM11NORM16384 of the nearest KNN queries.
web_new_l1: 175
The average value is Randomlogqueryavgxfdtshowallsumwfsumwbodyminwindowsize closest KNN queries.
web_production_formula_features: 0
A model trained to predict an assessment of the USSR-DUMP-20191206 PRS-20191207 ALL-4-YEARS QMSE 20K 0.2 -s 0.8 -z 1 formula.
web_production_formula_features: 1
A model trained to predict an assessment of the USSR-DUMP-20191206 PRS-20191207 ALL-8-YEARS [T> 0.25] Crossentropy 20K 0.25 -s 0.8 -z 1.